Just passing on a small facilitation technique I picked up last year: Blob Trees!

A Blob Tree is a visual tool designed to allow individuals to express themselves and their emotions in a non-verbal way through the use of human figures known as Blobs.

Instead of asking people how they’re feeling, you can ask them which person in the image they identify with.

This approach might be helpful for anyone who:

  • Finds it easier to identify feelings by orientating to others
  • Finds it easier to identify feelings through body language
  • Uses a language other than English to describe emotions
  • Doesn’t relate to the words we tend to use to describe emotions
  • Usually gives safe answers, like “I’m fine”

There’s no right or wrong with Blobs. Like answers to “how are you?” they’re a jumping-off point for storytelling, connection and empathy. (They also work as a quick ice-breaker at the start of a retro.)

As a facilitator, I’ve found this to be a gentle and inclusive way to open up spaces with people, especially those who mainly work alone, or are less used to speaking about emotions in professional group settings.

Blob Trees are commercially licensed, but reasonably priced. You can get them from the Blob Tree website.